Blog Marketing

Just a few thoughts on blog marketing that have been going thru my head! I have been working on some information for a client and I thought I would share it with the world. Let me know what you think!

 Blog Marketing

A new form of communication on the Internet are Blogs, short for Weblogs. This new form of communication allows consumers to express their own opinions in yet another way. Blogs are a new and original cultural phenomenon, reflecting more the changes and needs in society than simple realization of technological possibility. As of April 2007, Technorati, a major blog monitoring service, claimed to be tracking more than 75 million blogs. “If we keep up at this pace, there will be over five hundred million blogs by 2010”, Web contrarian Andrew Keen (Sohn 2008) has stated. Blogs are simply online journals consisting of a mix of text, links and maybe graphics. Bloggers are usually people who are strong believers in something and listening to what they are saying in.  Blogs can provide insight into what is good or bad about the products. (Barlow, 2008) Destination organizations shall use blogs to see what people have to say about the location they are trying to market. Secondly, location organizations may advertise their locations and services to the virtual communities with blog-ads, which refers to placing advertisement on personal blogs. (Sohn, 2008) A blog is a personal homepage with more enhanced connectivity than an HTML-based Web site. In the blog system, individuals communication activities automatically form networks through which they can move from one blog to another without manually adding hyperlinks to each page. Once a communication network is formed, information may flow easily through it. The blog-ad is an attempt to expose the information of products and services to consumers interconnected by networks.

Blog marketing is the term used to describe internet marketing via web blogs. These blogs differ from corporate websites because they feature daily or weekly posts, often around a single topic. Typically, corporations use blogs to create a dialog with customers and explain features of their products and services.

Many organizations use blogs with their user community. This allows them to share and preview product features, functions, and benefits before the products are released. Blogs are an excellent way to gather feedback and to make sure products meet the needs of users. Blogs have become the next generation marketing tool to corporate websites which merely post collateral and do not provide any interactive feedback. Blogs are also supplementary to a User Group. User Groups happen annually for example while blogs provide users constant daily and weekly feedback.

Blogs are Basic websites which are updated Regularly. They act as a Private news interface for any Company / Website. With regular updates being handled by the company executive team, product marketing, and product strategy teams. The need for fresh content on the web makes the Blogs a preferred destination for Resources. Blogs have been focused as a primary platform for Marketing since the early 2006.

If you need any help understanding what blog marketing is and how to use it to the fullest then stop by or email us at

1 Comment

  1. this is a cool news. Thank you.

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