Billboard vs blogging

Look at the transformation of communication and mass media. Physical objects such as the billboard were once one of the most effective ways to be seen by the masses. Extremely big, very visual and with a huge message. “Come here, save big, great value!” those were the messages of the past.

But take out the size, the sometime “ideal” location and what do you have. A big object in the sky that really doesn’t tell the consumer to much about you, your company or your product.

The way we communicate in this century is changing at a faster pace then most would like to admit. While the baby boomers of last century still hold tight to their billboards, yellow pages and newspaper ads. The days of billboard marketing (as I like to call it) are slowly coming to an end. The consumer of today needs more substance and easier better ways to find out information. Anyone can look into the sky as they drive down the road and see an advertisement. But that’s as deep as it gets.

Blogging on the other hand is in my opinion a better more effective way to market your product. It allows the seller to address his target market in a very personal way, informing them about every aspect of their product and also allowing comment and testimonial from consumers.

Blogging accomplishes what a one line catch phrase billboard can’t. It puts the reputation of the sellers directly in the hands of the consumer by making their words accountable.

Billboard marketing and other forms of traditional marketing are in my opinion worn out and out of date. The days of social media marketing are upon us. And the faster that entrepreneurs and other businesses get involved the easier the transition would be for the rest of the world.

If you want to learn how to make the world of social media marketing work for you then visit us on our website at and find out how we can get your business into motion! 

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